ISSN: 2690-5760
Hugues Scharbach*
Received: January 20, 2020 Published: February 12, 2020
Corresponding author: Hugues Scharbach, Ph.D. Paris’ University, Neuro Psychiatrist, Pedo-Psychiatrist, Psychiatre des Hôpitaux, Doctor of Psychology, France
This clinical and psychopathological research is conducted after 40 years of experience in pedo- psychiatric practice, notably in institutional care and as a judicial and administrative expert. In a changing society, even in mutation, both in socio-familial and economical and technological fields, the conditions of exchange, the aim or even the sense of the work- also although human relationships, existential modalities - can cause stumbling blocks on the construction or building of identity .
The children, the teenagers, the great adolescents are confronted with new ethical and deontological standards and benchmarks, attractive requests, while they are at the age of experiences, even adventures, in case of failures of the symbolic and poverty of the imaginary. So this way, they can be brought to inappropriately rushing into real through actions sometimes incongruous, transgressive, even deviant, sometimes deadly, all the more so as the latency phase has shrunk a lot, or even faded and that the pubertal period no longer takes place under the same conditions of naive quest. Disarray, like the dazzling test of discovery can be expressed in reckless taking of risks like the emptiness of feelings, the weak ideational development can provoke negations in activities of substitute stimulation, like the game or the effects of use of toxics. Sometimes, acts of gratuitous violence can take place, especially in disadvantaged urban areas.
Keywords: Dysharmonic Personality; Antisocial Acting; Transgressive Act; Deviant Behavior; Psychopathologic Analysis; Therapeutic Means; Forensic Expertise; Contemporary Psychological Morbidity; The Various Pathogenic Factors; Social Incidence Technological Changes; New Conditions For Evolutionary Maturation; Increase Of Dysharmonic Personalities; Aggresssion Or Violence; Allied Borderline Sociopathic Addictif ‘s Features; Therapeutic Project and Means
We would try to get a comprehensive approach to morbidity in children, teenagers and adolescents, who present psychopathological disorders as compartmental disability, emotional and affective vulnerability, possible « depressivity » including loneliness’s feeling. Sometimes, paradoxically, the mechanism of reversal intervenes, in its opposite, a type of hostility, irritability, even irascible opposition with bad pulsation control. The efforts made by them to offset this stage are often unsuccessful and take factitious connotations without an adequate aid. They may be trying toxic substances until they become addict.
It is in generally when the young has been confronted with a harrowing feeling, when he had to face a real or fantasmatic situation -we can in this last case evoke the contribution of S. FREUD : « we beat a child » -, or even disowned ,underestimated, suffering from a lack of consideration, that he can be brought to transgressive behavior, which can have a translation in terms of deviance. All these harmful influences must be taken into account when establishing a well-defined care project a relevant evaluation of educational and pedagogical rehabilitation plan [1].Usually, that need to listen to the child as well using game or graphics as the adolescent by listening attentively to his aspirations, with patience and empathy. So well emerge in the confidence significant words to explain their conceptualization underlying their reactivity when that real good contact is established. This one may be the result of the pertinent survey by the therapist.
Thus, he may detect apparition by the children or the teenagers of possible links with traumatic facts as aggressivity, affective disturbance, disinvestment, clumsy relation, sleep troubles, nightmare, even somnambulism in correlation with different type of abuse : past misuse, harassment by adults - sometimes in the family, even by grand-father - or by peers or even abandonment’s feelings. Anyway, in case of deviant acting, the preoccupation is located between: « to protect or to punish. »
A new psychological economy is obvious. The mental diseases of the father as obsessive, phobic or hysterical neurosis depending of the oedipian conflict are diminishing but these of the mother increasing depending of narcissistic fragility and iffy identity: borderline states, schizophrenias, depress states, addictions. These new pathological expressions could be referred to the particularities of new social links and more from the self-ideal ‘s problematic training rather ashamed perception linked with low self-esteem rather than guilt’s conflict.
We will focus on the connection between the etiopathogenesis features of the personality of these subjects with the determinism of inadequate, inappropriate acts so well as antisocial actions. In this regard, it seems necessary to re-establish the expression of these in the light of a new contemporary society, changing, both technologically-especially in digital mutation, use of algorithms, software package and their applying-economically, ethically aspects and in the kind of interrelationships and even the dynamic and the energetic of the groups. We think particularly to meetings, as the one in the past years Woodstock and still now as Metal or « Vieilles Charrues » in BRITAIN. Its’s also to mention kid’s group in the borough’s and band of thieves of adolescents in the great cities.
The acceleration of social changing may have a different impact on the quality of life of the mainly income population [2]: Conceptual advances may also modify lifestyles as well as existential purpose. Sometimes, real transformation induces a diversification of interests and investments, which become much renewed or adjusted [3]. This provision is due, in particular, to an extension and enlargement of the exchanges, to the ease of the communication and also of the travel -in speed conditions-and in organization of meetings, which permit to discover alter egos shaped by differentiated cultures. The connectivity in computer science, the social networks help largely to the increase of these contacts. In that way, some leaders can reach thousands of followers, sometimes with passionate feelings.
The epistemological expression is stimulated in various fields.
At the same time, teenagers or adolescents may improve in several cognitive areas with use of a rich new slangy vocabulary, whereas the academic language appear neglected, as well as the interest for pedagogic knowledge and for basic learning and professional training, even so they think and understand quickly as the older at the same age and rouse their curiosity in the body’s expression and even sharpened earlier their senses in sexual experiences. If some adolescents can become aggressor, even without personal traumatism before, their acting being linked by the dysharmonic features of their personality, some kids may become more victims, either by seducer adults , sometimes by virtual means, such as mails, or by others in the frame of group or gang. A misleading presentation, with development of fallacious arguments may meet a preoccupation for a teenager to do as he believes olders are doing. Thus, he his leading to realize a transgressive acting, including surpassing of the emotional shudder and to go beyond the constraint or the taboo. We had recently to approach such case commit by twelve years old one, who had an uncertain identity during his time of maturate sequence of life. He had been solicited by an adult telling he was younger as he effectively was during their broadcasted exchange s by the way of mails and attached views.If the mental pathologies remain kind of the same in America as in Europe, the shock of culture has a lasting and predicable effects on the expression of troubles and behaviors, notably those who cause or create antisocial actions by the ways of technical means. They can take detachment of the victim with speediness or use internet. This is the case, for instance, of the diffusion of pedo-pornographic views, fake news, swindling or harassment. Adolescence speed up also death’s pulsion and to take dangerous risk’s behavior.
The relative obsolescence of status and of the straight image of the father inherent in the ancient model of patria potestas endure from the roman to the middle age, during centuries, his certainly not to be regret. He had even on the first time the power and the right to life and death over his children and, even to choose the one who would succeed him. His wife was considered a minor. This time is over, especially since the French revolution. The softening brought the concept of parental responsibility and had to evolve slowly towards shared rights before the turn of the post-war period. The compulsory schooling has had big consequences, though the father was supposed to educate himself his children and even change interrelationships. We have still been led to listen to several adolescents after they have reported their parents’ mistreatments or violence, in particular about poor school results or a lack of application in learning.
Before, the disqualifying attitudes could induce negatively behavioral and emotional in terms of the maturation development of young people. Reactions were multiple, beyond the crust aspects of the personality, sometimes taking the form escape or subversive of a violent revolt against the tyrannical authoritarianism of that father. However, the environmental context, often poor intellectually, evoking a weak capacity of introspection, as well as the moral and conceptual social pressure, blunted the dysfunctions and their diversifications. Some took place in asylum, other be sent to the galleys or as soldiers.
The contemporary family today, often “synchretics,” parents may be looking themselves for personal identification themselves. is very different. It’s also many recomposed families [4]. Changes in parenthood can also lead to failures in the rearing of children, so that the family, where the benchmarks of authority are no longer as defined as in traditional families, must give way to institutional third parties for educational guidance. Invisible loyalty and intergenerational debt can be reversed. Children, especially the eldest as before, who have grown up to be young adults, rarely follow now the same activity as your father, whether it concerns the transmission of a farm, a craft workshop or the pursuit of family activities. There is a little acceptance of a sedentary lifestyle. In the addition, the mother’s name can even be added to that of the father. But, conversely, after their retirement, the grandparents are no longer as devoted and sometimes even make trips of land’s discovery or leisure.
Before technological progress, many people worked - often early in arduous conditions - on the land, on farms or were employed in factories for repetitive tasks. Many unskilled jobs have given way to automation, to back-up by machines or robots. Many young people no longer see the requirements of their timetable in the same way and give in to the attraction of filling or superficial activities. The philosophy of duty and almost vital immediate implications arising from their commitments have lost their meaning and filling needs on a psychic level lead them to seek stimulation in the act, even if it is counterproductive or inadequate or transgressive or even resort to the dynamics of the game or to an excitement through psychoactive substances, to avoid being confused with a conceptual vacuum and a kind of boredom, arising from a lack of project or personal ideational modalities. It’s striking to see kids sitting in a tram or a bus or in a square leaning on their laptop, no longer raising their eyes to look at their environment. Only those who find, alone or in the frame of small group, an existential search, often underpinned by an incentive or a competitive spirit, based for example by support or models within the family, can get a creative advance and achieve real progress.
Precariousness and ghettoization are sometimes the favorable, even the principal causes of physical assaults tendency, which can be perpetrated in the evening near the exit of bars or in isolated places, for no apparent reason or even simply by the fact of the meeting of a look or a frustration minimal, like a cigarette refusal. Group dynamic s can have a deleterious impact. Evolutionary changes in the structuring of the personality must also be taken in consideration.
We can discern two symptomatic structuring and functioning modalities during dysharmonic personality disorders in children, teenagers and adolescents with variations between the prepsychic (pre-psychotic aspects) and especially depressive and anxious features which are near abandoning and loneliness feelings, symbiotic aspects, which decrease personal area and with possible intrusion, that invade that personal area and those which proceed from reversal into opposite, depending of archaic defense mechanisms playing. The second type of young people with sociopathic tendency are apted on a background of egocentrism, even ideal of grandiose ego with irritability-hostility clinical expression to a propensity to the passage to the transgressive act often on an impulsive mode. In this way, among negative evolution, can be discerned two symptomatic clinical expressions:
A. The young people suffering of a syndrome of empty behavior, with blank objectal relation, depressive retirement, in link with a failure of libidinal investment and mode of narcissistic suppling. Bad being, loss of self-confidence, low self-esteem is observable. They could be victim of their peers or by old aggressors, who can be in the parental circle.
Some young people may show aggressive reactivity, possible explosive fury, even impulsive discharge close to rabies with violent affects such the other appear no more as a congenere emerge before feeling of helplessness, even on detriment. They present an insufficiency of bearing capacity, such as « pare-excitation », lack direction in the education, the lack of leaning being suited to frustration. Way suffer of angers, psychomotor instability, hyperactivity without coherence. It can result also a poor control of the drives or, in contrary, inhibition. We notice also impulsiveness or cautious withdrawal into oneself, auto-aggressive gestures, transgressive actions with sometimes antisocial component, brief strange and sexual acts. The emergence in the frame of the maturating evolution arouses drive demands with the quest for representations of imaginary or symbolic objects.
The weighing of primitive defense mechanisms based in particular on stumbling blocks disrupts interpersonal exchanges such as behavioral adequacy and social behavior. Among them: repression of pulsion’s, projective identification, projection, denial, which can also underlie varied troubles, often by structured personality including borderline state- sociopathic’s features and toxicophilic addiction entangled. Classically, the enteropathogenic causes reported are parental deficiencies or the absence of the father representation.
B. Which is the case in the Arthur Rimbaud’s story, a brilliant and provocative adolescent, finding in Verlaine a transient substitutive father but, his father left his family, as he was only four years old, according to a psychological cleavage, should abandon poetry as he was 20 years old, coming in young adult age, to seek in his travels symbolically the spoor of his father in AFRICA, where that one had stay.
Another case have to be evoked: The incandiary acting of Misoguchy of the KINKAKU-JE of KYOTO -built in 1400 - taken by Yukio MISHIMA in his novel: «the « Golden Pavilion », He was becoming a novice in this temple after he has lost his father and was stuttering and so ugliness. Mingling mixed bad feelings of retaliation after the disappointment of not becoming one day master , having bad relation with the Buddhist priest, master of this monument or place of reference of the beauty and an repressive attack of extinction of a fascination becoming deleterious, he became fireraiser to destroy the famous temple.
Otherwise, in the contemporary conditions, we must highlight the negative influence of the video games and of long stays in front of screens, particularly in young children, causing dyslexia, attention deficit disorder and even a disposal to hyperactivity with poor investment in learning (HDATA). Some children spend hours on internet fascinated by strategy games or other magical solicitations and abandon the educational and academic appeal and the investments of your chronologic age more in line with existential reality. However, a few rare little geniuses get so sharp, that they manage themselves to create attractive game, which can be diffused, broadcasted. Some can even penetrate networks, becoming possibly later hackers. Sometimes, exceptionally, piercing secure state or company codes, they will be hired later by the security services.
More generally, concerning the negative effects, eating disorders often result of long seating before the screen with development of obesity as well as addictive tendencies and of loss of motivation in the engagement in constraints of pedagogical learning and in insertion in social reality. A contrary, they are more well-informed and as victim are able to denounce the aggression.
C. To continue our study out to focus on the increase of violent behavioral disorders in young people.
i. We have seen that violent game or fantastic scenarii in T.V. or movies’s habits induce hostility in the interrelation and provoke by the teenagers the realization of transgressive or deviant behaviors. Such actings may also often favored by festive impulsive reactions, but mainly by addictive behaviors, especially dependent of abuse of alcohol or various toxic substances [5].
ii. Different influences are playing,as the pregnant harmful of the virtual, TV or video, especially in the case of fantastic or violence in the series, taking some youngs non-support within a disaggregated family, to a imaginary and fantasm/real nondifferentiation.
The pregnancy of the new cult of physical appearence, the strained criteria of the beauty as well as the need to follow the fashion are also to take in consideration, inducing young people to lifestyle: atypical presentation, odd or singular clothes, tattoos, even no-genre expression choice.
iii. While the disorders linked to transgressive behaviour are more the work of teenagers or of older adolescents, children abuse is not to underestimate, sometimes by older. Even very young guys can commit sometimes serious offences, beyond criminal acts and already Melanie KLEIN, in his book “Psychoanalysis Essays” [6, 7] evoked aspiring murderers. The case of two children who killed another in Liverpool-ENGLAND more than 25 years ago is notably still to remember. D.W. WINICOOT studied the antisocial tendency [8] Such phantasmatic resentment may get an emergency after a frustration. Acting against family’s member, as parricide stay rarely. Conversely, infanticides can learn a lot of things about the phantasmatic determinism of the human pulsion of destruction.
iv. Among our expertise’s works [9,10] we had particularly to examine Karl, a 10-year-old child who, after he had left his parents visiting his ill uncle, was exploring to the corridors of the hospital and, entered in an empty office. He had the habit to play with the lighter wheel and one time, an older command him to reinforce this tendency. So, seeing paper upon a desk, he sets fire to burning the one with a lighter. He had preoccupation with the using of that think for one year. Incendiary acting is sometimes made by teenagers on the place of their squat, notably in case of running away of home in the darkness.
v. Past stressing events in case of war or terroristic attack may carry away psychological stress and narcissistic fragility and we have had to make examination in such cases, notably for the army service. Conversely, bad early experience, negative example or model in the young age may incite a sort of appropriation of agressive and even violent way of life by adolescents by the mean of a psychological mechanism as reversal of the situational remembering in acting in contrary.
D. That means that psychiatric and medico-psychological assessments -and forensic expertise-of children, adolescents and young adults have become more complex in their realization in recent decades, due to multifactorial requirements. The dysharmonic parts of the personality’s organization as well as the conditions of psychopathological structuring of the mind have to be clarified. Asks of examination of young’s in the frame of psychological experiences have become more frequent since the conceptual contributions of psychoanalysis. That allow a better understanding between the cause of the actions and the possibility of psychotherapeutic management. In addition to the classic cognitive and instrumental evaluation, they involve an elaborate and refined psychodynamic approach and rehabilitation project. That involve examining the new requirements, such as the understanding psychopathological approach attempts to identify the determinism of the transition to transgressive act, which reflects the aspects and expressions of the human stency, which engage in the reality of action. The definition of the associated therapeutic modalities is more noticeable.
It is important to specify the developmental capacities of the person concerned, those of change according to adaptability, as well as the levels of skills identified. The mission involves the search for all the aptitudes conducive to social reintegration. These can be better situated, taking into account both conceptual advances in psychiatric registers, educational and training orientations, without underestimating the characteristics of current societal aspects, which are therefore undergoing profound changes. Thus, the affective and relational exchange dysharmonic modalities, the imaginary fixations, the symbolic markers, especially in the oedipal register, may involve a deciphering, or even a sometimes-subtle decoding, according to the ideological, philosophical, religious combinations. Especially since the new family sometimes appears less container or guiding.
E. Transgressive acts and diversified actings, defiantopposing attitudes, the use of primitive or regressive psychological mechanisms of defense that can go as far as silence when approaching and hearing anti-social facts from young people, their frequency increases with certainty, despite the progress of social and educational assistance and the multiplication of places and listening time.
There is increasing demand for juvenile and adult education judges, while hearings of subjects who are often reluctant or unpredictable in their reactions to various aids and solicitations certainly complicate decisions and actions not to punish but to put in place rehabilitation and rehabilitation projects based on assured foundations. In these minors, the variability of their behaviors, the lability of the affects, the oscillation of their moods, the poor control of their impulses, particularly a aggressive ones, with frequent recourse to violent raptus, call on different levels at the medico-forensic and judicial levels… Thus, the relevance of judicial decisions and rehabilitation projects, however elaborate, even injunctive, do not always carry conviction towards a future amendment of lifestyles and an adequate social commitment. Therapists, caregivers, educators and occupational therapists are then confronted with the consequences of a polymorphism of emotional signs and an asynclitism of behavioral expressions, with difficulty of a hierarchy of these [11].
F. Indeed, these minor subjects often express themselves in a contradictory way, according to sometimes hasty or superficial demands and relational disagreements, as much with their peers as with their parents, their relatives or referents or even according to environmental hazards. and / or the incidence of addictive behaviors associated, both toxicophilic and resulting from alcohol abuse. Larger conflicts are often difficult to perceive or interpret, and confrontation with danger appears to some to be a usual way of being. Their in-itself is not very available or accessible to the inner language, to the introspection capacities. Conceptual handling and abstractions, the use of verbalization, the fluency of speech sometimes seems insufficiently developed or eve. while the attraction to resources of positive and elaborate creativity appear diminished, more by the fact of Misuse, inhibitory, or even a blocking by the fact of the weighing of deficit aspects, against backdrop of fragile narcissistic identity, loneliness or emptiness feelings, although the status of representation is acquired.
It is important to specify the developmental capacities of the person concerned, those of change according to adaptability, as well as the levels of skills identified. The mission involves the search all the aptitudes conducive to social reintegration. These can be better situated, taking into account both conceptual advances in psychiatric registers, educational and training orientations, without underestimating the characteristics of current societal aspects, which are therefore undergoing profound changes. Thus, the affective and relational exchange modalities, the imaginary fixations, the symbolic markers, especially in the oedipal register, may involve a deciphering, or even a sometimes subtle decoding, according to the ideological, philosophical, religious combinations ... Especially since the new family sometimes appears less container or guiding [12, 13].
G. Transgressive acts and diversified acting, defiant-opposing attitudes, the use of primitive or regressive mechanisms of defense that can go as far as silence when approaching and hearing anti-social facts from young people increases with certainty. This despite the progress of social and educational assistance and the multiplication of institutional places and listening time. There is also legal, court-order demand for suitable by the situation, while hearings of subjects who are often reluctant or unpredictable in their reactions to various aids and solicitations. This certainly complicate decisions and actions not to punish but to put in place rehabilitation and rehabilitation projects based on assured foundations.
In these minors, the variability of their behaviors, the lability of the affects, the oscillation of their moods, the poor control of their impulses, particularly aggressive ones, with frequent recourse to violent raptus, call on different levels at the medico-forensic and judicial levels. In some cases happen self-mutilations [14]. Thus, the relevance of judicial decisions and rehabilitation projects, however elaborate, even injunctive, do not always carry conviction towards a future amendment of lifestyles and an adequate social commitment.
Therapists, caregivers, educators and occupational therapists [11] are then confronted with the consequences of a polymorphism of emotional signs and an asynclitism of behavioral expressions, with difficulty of a hierarchy of these. Indeed, these minor subjects often express themselves in a contradictory way, according to sometimes hasty or superficial demands and relational disagreements, as much with their peers as with their parents, their relatives or referents or even according to environmental hazards. and / or the incidence of addictive behaviors associated with toxicophilic dependance and resulting from alcohol abuse. Larger conflicts are often difficult to perceive or interpret, and confrontation with danger appears to some to be a usual way of being. Their in-itself is not very available or accessible to the inner language, to the introspection capacities. Conceptual handling and abstractions, the use of verbalization, the fluency of speech sometimes seem insufficiently developed or even atrophied, while the attraction to resources of positive and elaborate creativity appear diminished, more by the fact of Misuse, inhibitory, or even a blocking by the fact of the weighing of deficit aspects, against a backdrop of fragile narcissistic identity, although the status of representation is acquired.
The pedo-psychiatrists are not the only ones to highlight, in their reports of expertise, these identity disorders, often limited, of the personality and the psychic oscillations of these stable subjects in their instability appear to be confronted with a kind double reality or bi-logic. They appear to them submissive, against a backdrop of floating anguish and depressiveness, with a search for support to an anaclitic object, emotional, affective, and instinctual fluctuations leading to active reactivity. They seem sometimes subject to return to flows in the elational expansion causing actions that are poorly measured in their consequences or sometimes flowing back into attitudes of abandonment withdrawn, experiences of emptiness or loneliness, or even return to a more markedly depressive experience [15].
Dysmorphophobia is also frequent in a context of morbidity. Some race again esthetic surgery, with sometimes to make bodily disgraces but, more surprising to resemble bodily idols of sport of famous or fashionable singers for example. The course of their life can be punctuated by self-vulnerability [14]. For instance, an adolescent tells us that he was sometimes pushing in a clip in his thumb. Others use needle or knife to cut their skin. They seem to research to feel a pain, as some parts of their body, to much quiet, would have to be explored, to reveal, to invest them, without measuring the traumatic consequences. That’s also the problem in anorexia or a contrario, boulimia behaviour with as consequence obesity or also suicidal ideation or even attempt. Lively reactivity, skin irritability with hostile depressive feelings may arouse deviant experience. Others, in the contrary, overcome delicate self-esteem and evolve to omnipotent representation of themselves. Their reactivity may arouse deviant experience. They are able also to elaborate deviant projects or transgressive antisocial behaviors [16].
Six clinical observations linked to forensic examinations may illustrate this theorical development showing the coexistence of omnipotent feelings and act against themselves or commit deviant acting , sometimes with impulsivity and even with violence, after to have emphasize that some of these are the result of emotional and affective impacts associated with maturity gaps. Before the presentation, we will relate a case of late regressive narcissistic demands, in which was given a behavioral reactivity in a 24-yearold indian young adult ,who was to receive a car as a gift from his well-to-do family. Disappointed to have only one car less luxurious as the one he was expecting, he rushed his vehicle into a river [17]. a) In the case of Karl may particularly be evoketed the play « here, there, other there » described by S. Freud looking at his young grandson and conceptualizes rehersal compulsary pulsion but also take in consideration the discovery of the space and its mastery.
b) Eva, 16 years old, had also reach parents. She and her sister were possessed their own horse. During the beginning of summer vacation, as she had got bad scholar results, her mother, who was Ph. D., refused she went with friends spending time on the ocean shore. She took the revolver of his father, who was in a business trip, made practical exercises and shooting practice in the hall of the house during the afternoon, during the time of which her mother was busy. When this one came back, she shot twice with the gun to her.
c) Lea was for the second time prosecuted for infraction to the highway’s code. She was leaving the Court, where she had been summoned about the same first case, when passing with their car, in which she was in the company of the daughter’s father -one of her friend before -, her 20- years old and her 18 years old friend, when the police wanted to control her, which she refused by accelerating, burning fires, hitting to cars. So, she had to stop but tried to flee. She had not the driving license, no assurance for the car. In fact, she ran her condition. Alone child of another father after 8 children born after the union of her mother -although her father in law had treated her like his girl, she had a dysharmonic maturation, being unable to learn to read and to write and leaving her institution at 16 years to do nothing. Then, older, she stole perfumes, other things and send them to her pals and also diesel oil. The dysharmonic identifications and the problematic attachment during her maturation growth seem to have leaded to this lack of social compatibility.
d) Alan, 11 years old, was invited by his aunt to spend a free day in his home. He had the possibility to swim in her piscin. His cousin, 14 years old, will take time with him and they could play together and use eventually video games. However, the older, in the middle of the afternoon, express his problematic curiosity for the aspects of the body and ask for the younger to take off his bathing trunks and to touch part of his body, showing a unbridled sexual conduct. Alan, who change of mood with a kind of fuzziness in the interactions inner his family in the following days, was able finally to speak about this unusual facts to his teacher in sport practice. It appears the necessity of a legal expertise to inventory the course of this facts and to appreciate the aspects of the personality of the victim and of the young actor and the possible psychological damage.
e) This last observation of LEO aims to underline the possible transfer of behavioral expression mode regarding violence suffered on the part of a father on a teenager between his 9-10 to 13th years. LEO was entrusted to a paternal grandmother after the separation of his parents, when he was 18 months old, living in a foreign country whose native his parents. A maternal aunt was take over the affective-educational relay, until his father claimed him near him in FRANCE, where he had settled. Given the difference in teaching, this tenant arouses the lively reactivity of a disappointed father, who strikes him violently, when he was confronted with the school reports of his son. Even, the social worker goes in the father’s direction, strengthening his authority. His great investment in football was not taken into account, so he could gear towards a study sport class. LEO ends up denouncing the physical violence of his father, who sends him back to his country of bird, after being sentenced. LEO finds himself idle, living in precarious conditions, hosted by a grandfather. He attracts the interest of the young girls but, does not have sexual relations, fearing to be infected by the H.I.V. He had had a kind of love at first sight before its dismissal, before leaving FRANCE, for a girl of a higher class, without tomorrow. As he reached the age of 17, his mother, living now in FRANCE and having founded a new family, remembers him and call him near her. He then finds himself for a few months in pleasant living conditions, even after reaching his majority. He was just 18 years old for 6 months, that he commits his 1st t rape, which leads to an imprisonment of 6 years.
f) ELY- We saw him within the framework of a legal expertise, for having raped a 17-year-old girl, also causing her personal injury, after dragging her into the basement of her residence. He had followed her, when she had returning from a dinner with her friend. He denies the facts, but surveillance cameras in the street had to allow it to be identified from its exit from the tram.
g) It would seem that he integrated into his personal fantasy the modes of violent instinctual reactivity, which had been exercised against his victim even at the body level. In fact, his broken online story made it possible to better understand his behavior’s expression. After the divorce of his parents when he was only 18 months old, he must have been confronted with multiple ruptures linked to accommodations changes -soon with grandparents themselves separated or aunts in AFRICA -being sometimes call near them by his mother or near his father in EUROPE. These having started new homes, new family...The psychopathological approach permits to understand how his narcissistic position, his Self, had withdrawn to avoid dislocation, with use of primitive defense mechanisms, affective-emotional and drive expression participating in heterogeneous levels of conflictualization. In addition, recalled from his father at the age of 14 th, he would have suffered severe physical punishment, this one could not bear his academic failure, when he had been confronted before with differences in educational contribution. This is how this severe father sent him back to AFRICA, where he was in precarious conditions until his mother called him back to her shortly before he came of age. And shortly after, he commits his 1st rape and shortly after his conviction and his detention of 5 years his 2nd rape, in a context of real duress and violence. We have presented more developed examinations in the frame of a recent book intitled: « Expertises psychiatriques et medico-psychologiques » « Transgressive actings by children, adolescent, young people -incidence of dysharmonic disorders of the personality » october 2019, 146 pp. ; ESKA ed. PARIS
Transgressive behavior is often in relation with narcissistic disturbances, denial of dependence of vulnerability and of anaclitic position and even of ashamed feelings. That’s a lot of form with affective instability, often with depressive fluctuation including relational maladjustment, inappropriate conducts, impulsive reactivity, bad emotional regulation, low passional control, attentional failure, lack of introspection ability and of inner dialogue’s resources.
Individual, dual psychotherapy or in the case of group of mediation (manage by a team including psychologists) [18] are to plane adequately regarding aspects of morbidity. It may be sometimes necessary to resort to the addition of substances with pharmacological effect to obtain a congruence. It’s important to develop capacities of insight and internal dialogue and to accept of self-critical. All these means and arrangements help to create better conditions of live and «to rock the meaning of sense of the world » R. Barthes. It is significant to remind that the mobilization of the capacity to link pulsion’s and the development of mental elaboration soarelavisly, nobly to take place in the collectivity and to progress for humanity. Family ‘s therapy as well as mediation therapy are also often required. More, some others overcome their anxious feelings of empty and negative innermost thoughts by the development of artistic sense of creation in the fields of writing, sketching, drawing, painting wood sculpt and even of dance [19]. The drawing or the stretching of the person or of the tree may be contributory [20]In the therapeutic project for children, the narration of fairy tales, tales, stories and, for soldier, of myths (Parsee, Herakles, Promethea, Ulysses, Siegfried...), legends is positive to develop the capacity of attention, the emotional and affective control and to bring symbolic income. Tales’ narration gives an excellent opportunity to each of the partners involved to get in touch and to assimilate the cognitive schemes and the references of the others. They also allow as therapeutic technics an assessment of cognitive functioning. The squiggle game is very interesting [21].
They permit to treat meta-cognitive disturbances as often met in this dysharmonic narcissistic personality’s pathologies. It is to underline the fact that tales, leading to marvelous or fairy world fables, myths and legends or some stories help to refresh unconscious motifs, thus is providing access to maturity and to the springs of the creation. An evolutive work of the differentiation of the imagos and of the identifications can be distinguish [22-25]. Some main themes are to spot in the phantasmatic fields with nodal aspects in the imaginary, where involved the story, the fabric and the animation of the fairy tales as well as the myths and the legends. The study of the contents of the dreams, that could be spontaneous reported, notably when they are pregnant, is also important to approach the dynamic of the unconsciousness ‘s process. Sometimes, they could be related in writing a story. With regard to the use of storytelling of myths and legends, the narrator could thus approach the meaning of heros and their paradigmatic adventures and be attentive to possible critical identification aspects. It’s possible to recall the qualifications and the possible significations with regard of the unconscious of some:
i. OEDIPE: triangulation.
ii. NARCISSE: secularity in the relationship
iii. PERSEE: shield and psychotics defenses
iv. ORPHEE and EURIDYCE: Hades’ recollection and hell of the memory-Trauma’s pathology and bereavement.
v. ER: a dead show soldier on a war area, dropped of kingdom of shadows coming back on earth after this show: the terrifying end with a message of hope
vi. SISYPHE: symbol of anxious repetition of trauma neurosisineffective and vainly repeated
vii. THESEE and the MINOTAURE: monstrously, surrender
viii. EROS and PSYCHE: guilt of look
ix. HERCULE-HERAKLES: impulsivity, bad control of aggressivity
x. ACHILLE; SIEFRIED: skin and oral vulnerability identity
xi. PROMETHEE: human knowledge problematic
Although remembering the fact that this is the mythical story of HOMER, the course of the TROY war can have an unexpected impact on those of young people experiencing intra-psychic conflicts with unstable and often violent behavioral expression difficulties to manage, develop and assume their affects. In the context of a regular psychotherapy, the knowledge of the historical experiences of the patient permit a better discrimination of the situations as well as the non-evident features of the personality. The use of semi-structured interview is sometimes significant. In all cases of psychotherapic treatments and acts of cares, the transfer should be regularly evaluated [26,27].
The young’s may develop dysharmony of evolution in the different psychic functions. The new existential, technological and social conditions may quest about their negative incidence, but also negative events of life and bad education without positive model. The disorders of the personality may also been associated with day-to-day contact with chronically disturbed parents or caretaker. Identity disorders as well as Narcissistic disturbances and prevalence of founding conflicts associated with superficial object relation and symptomatic expression of archaic defenses may have been obvious in the actions and in the succession of behaviors. It’s necessary to understand the etiopathogeny of the actions, the different features of the dysharmonic personality, as borderline disorders allied with sociopathic tendency.
It’s important to define with empathy the improvement’s prospect of the style of life of the young in the different roles of adverse childhood experiences, which have to be clarified, in order to lose their intrinsic toxicity, that their energy and the related fantasies, which could be underlying, can no longer interfere with the youngster’s own creativity, which can express itself positively in the sense of creativity. The goal of any therapeutic action is to reach the most serene conditions. The best way to resilience implicates à strengthening of self-esteem, a study of the affective environment, of the surrounding aera and to research a motivational activity. For mistrustful-defiant-opposing young’s or even brazen kid, the commitment in a well choices sport is important.
Therapists have to realize a follow up as well as to manage their regular cares during a significant time. The inclusion in the frame of therapeutic groups of mediation, planed by a team, the principal themes, with specific procedures, concern symbolic games, art-therapy, tales and myths narration and even therapy concerning the body manage by psychomotrists. The role of the social worker, scholar nurse and of special teacher bring notably an additional help, for instance in an existential accompaniment. They may realize coping efforts with regulation of violent affects, relax calming, tolerance of openly ambiguity between positive and negative in close relationships to reinforce identity functions and process of the young and to internalize goods objects.
Of course, we should not underestimate the blurring in the collective organization, that of the social-educational markers, the weakness of symbolizing mediations capable of reinforcing identifying benchmarks. They work in the direction of rehabilitation and very positive for the development of partnership representation security and relation ability. The specialized teachers allow as therapeutic technics an assessment of cognitive functioning and reinforce the possibilities to assimilate the cognitive schemes and the references of the others.
Parents should be protectors and care, if possible, care for lovingly to permit the capacity to make affectional bonds in young adulthood, such as they have been described by BOWLBY (1987), about attachment relationships. Naturally, as an prevention, the time that the kid as to spend regarding or looking for the screen, video og game support should be limited, in order to avoid becoming dependent on the virtual in a story of real funding and to pay more attention to the affective-educational family contributions. As working on the request of a jug of the Courtyard, in the necessity to practice a legal expert, the pieces of information carries a precious aids, as well as the relation of confidence established with the young -actor or victim -to realize the examination.
Bio chemistry
University of Texas Medical Branch, USADepartment of Criminal Justice
Liberty University, USADepartment of Psychiatry
University of Kentucky, USADepartment of Medicine
Gally International Biomedical Research & Consulting LLC, USADepartment of Urbanisation and Agricultural
Montreal university, USAOral & Maxillofacial Pathology
New York University, USAGastroenterology and Hepatology
University of Alabama, UKDepartment of Medicine
Universities of Bradford, UKOncology
Circulogene Theranostics, EnglandRadiation Chemistry
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