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ISSN: 2690-5760

Journal of Clinical & Community Medicine

Mini ReviewOpen Access

Great Old Age: About Seniors or Fourthy’s One and Being Autonomous, Often Alone, Self-Sufficient, Active and Always Relevant. Maturating, Evolving, Social, Psychological and Psychopathological Aspects Volume 4 - Issue 4

Scharbach Hugues MD*

  • Paris’s University Neuropsychiatrist Pedo-Psychiatrist, France

Received: September 23, 2022   Published: October 14, 2022

Corresponding author: Scharbach Hugues MD, Past Teacher in Paris’s University, Neuropsychiatrist Pedo-Psychiatrist Past Head of General then pedo-psychiatrist in CHU. Doctor of Psychology LYON’s University, Forensic National Expert hon, France

DOI: 10.32474/JCCM.2022.04.000193


Abstract PDF


The recent deaths of two of the great personalities such as Elisabeth II, always holding her Functions and her Role and, somehow, at the other end, to refer to J-Luc GODARD, who died by assisted suicide in Switzerland at 91 years leads us to reflect on a group over 80s. Age of 80s should replace the older administrative age of 75. The Seniors being considered representing 5,8 percent of the French population in FRANCE in 2015 against 2,8 % in 2005, pilot country after ITALIA. In U.S., it is said that the number of people living Alone in their 80s and 90s is set to grow and it is add, with this shocking word in the information: that it will « dramatically »! increase. Most household headed by someone over are either married couples or solo households single-person householders and are more likely to report difficulties with self-care, independent living and mobility more likely to face cost burdens. Among the active seniors, it could be found writers, painters, singers, artists, who lived to a ripe old age : recently, J. d’Ormesson, who died at 92 after saying shortly before death would forget him, notably author of « God’s Pleasure », R. de Olbadia Life’s perls », who wrote precisely : « to live centenary, you have to start early... » Older, Victor Hugo, 83 years; P. PICASSO: 93: « Guernica....I.e. [1].

Keywords: Existential conditions of life; social situational status, different sort of feelings; motivational activity resilient; loneliness; different kinds of lack


We would like first to highlight some positive factors:

a) Types of behavior and personal life conduct.

b) The confrontation with different risks and the absence of harmful factors as tobacco, alcohol, toxins.

c) Eating habits nutrition methods.

d) Keeping a good quality of the sleep and paying attention concerning the dream’s memory of dream’s story.

e) The way of being both in oneself and socially without stress.

Nevertheless, we observe that a lot of political leaders could be included in this field, in spite of their age and the high stress’s intensity of their responsibilities [2].

In reference to the personality’s features able to have an incidence to the type of aging, we can cited: Raymond CATELL: for him builted: It exists 16 Features PF

a) Aaker model: 5 features

b) ocean model: it is referred about nudge marketing.

Finally, 9 causes of Aging are detected, including: damage of the genome and DNA, shrinkage of telomeres at the end of the chromosome; epigenetic modifications in the expression of gene, protein misfolding: normally, a nascent polypeptide chain, resulting from genetic information, acquires its three-dimensional structure necessary to its function’s expression. Mitochondrial dysfunction; stem cell exhaustion nutrient supply; inflammatory signals. Curiously, telomeres tend to shorten with cell replication. The applications of an enzyme: telomerase, remains unclear but these could lengthen especially in young obese adolescents subjected to a diet and physical Activity. It’s paradox ally to mention, a contrary, the fact, that exist genetic perturbations responsible of short time of life: the Hutchinson-Gilford, or Progeria leads to accelerated aging. After a slowed growth with below-average height head disproportionately large, hair loss, eyelashes, tinning and winkled skin [3].

When Does Aging Begin

Whether aging is a process due to natural weathering alteration, which begins at the beginning of adulthood, bringing functional modifications in the direction of a decrease in aptitudes, in the different potentialities of the organism, and in appearance, both psychic than somatic, it seems that a linear regularity of the negative effects does not appear and that external factors of the environment -as it soon appears on the school’s class photo soon-but also internal movement intervene, notably these acting during the sleep, whom dreams and nightmare are given a weak translation. The length of life is increasing, particularly in Occidental Countries, depending on new conceptions of educational, nutritional and quality of the hygiene modalities, as well as effectiveness of therapeutic means. But also, in reason of the following necessity to constantly take on projects with cognitive involvement, to adhere to social manners and to respond to stimulating responsibilities in the conduct to complex daily events [4].

We would like to make a detail examination of this way of being, about living’s conditions, which oblige to remain efficient and to have to make continuous efforts, to lead a fight against aging’s appearance, which implies a loss of levers of activity as of socially interactive recognition. Modalities and arrangements in the different days of the week of these persons need to respect a program developed according to the respected conveniences. How do they do: To have a Work regularly and/or creatively, discover the different events and the singularities of the world and its customs, be able to present a progredient project [5].

A considerable new way of existing compared to the farmer of yesteryear in his plot of land – not evaluating the performances of the statistical prowess of the national market - of certain men, notably in the southern countries. In contrast to more crude local discussions waiting for time to pass in the frame of a small static group. Even the body must continue the constant rhythm of the frantic race the maintenance of youth or dynamical being at all costs, with possible recourse to cosmetic surgery. Some escape disabling or fatal illness, keep a traditional way of life, despite the fact that their skills no longer allow institutional integration [6,7]. Nevertheless, the wear or the attrition in common terms or more scientifically, the shortening of the cell’s telomeres can manifest itself, whatever the tenacious will and may appear, notably after turning 75 years old – to refer to a critical age of civil status of course, a more or less proximal environmental rupture, but without affecting the in itself. More certain number of people becomes alone, sometimes after the death of their companion, especially if the life together lasted a long time, whether the couple were childless or whether they lead a distant existence and also if the relational exchange were more intimate than notably animated by significant social dynamism or even if the rest of the family or friends were decimated.

The case of subjects who have always known celibacy is more particular, because they were able or knew how to arrange a more singular or adaptative life, while others can be confronted with a problem of lack, after the affective traumatism, notably if they remain cognitively, intellectually more agile, still skill and without somatic handicap. Impact of the quality of empathy or of the parental affection around them, even the way of life during the childhood are playing an important rôle. Among other favorable factors, the absence of periods of distress, of harassment, of sexual traumatism during the youngness, and also a harmonic affective development and a regular maturative evolution [8].

About New Conditions of Life and the Different Problematic Aspects

Especially after bereavement in an elderly couple, notably in the case of men, after the time of painful meditation find themselves confronted with the demands of everyday life, to the passage of time, notably if they not receive the support of children. Recently, we learned of the discovery a month after his death of a man, in a context known as Diogene. Father of 3 children -who refuse the inheritance -, he lived isolated. It’s clear that seniors capable of leading an independent life must be good architects in the frame of the construction of motivating, even exciting activities, especially within a group or in the context of creativity

They can lead a social life, in particular by taking on responsibilities in their town, according to their experience, give conferences, visits of famous sites, participate in the activity of associations, for example of young’s. We think of scouts for example. Also scientific, archeologic research...when possible...Philately, collections, writing, painting, sculpture, any think that may have an Arts-Therapeutic connotation. There is also the use/return to faith and religion. About asceticism, Charles V of Habsburg is exemplary. Thus, at the end of a live of fighting, disillusioned, he stripped himself of his powers and Imperial dignity, abdicating in October 1555 to retire to finish his last years in the monastery San Jeromino Yuste. Or in a more recreational way, games, such as cards, even gambling or also adapted sports training. Walking is always recommended, in cities or forests...10000 steps daily. In the event of deleterious idleness, recourse to the « Red Cross » or above all, to the help of specialized teams in centers or hospitals as Emile ROUX near PARIS. Deliberately, we will not mention the effects of the D.H.E.A., controversial hormone

Problematic Aspects

Existential interferences can manifest affecting the feeling of the daily course, either due to the impact of the environment in connection with various difficulties or harmful encounters, or due to personal decompensation outside the weighing of a cognitive weakening or of different impairments such as existential weariness or lassitude. We have also to take in consideration the fact that old frustrations or old unresolved repressed conflicts can emerge, without identifiable causal factors, in a deleterious mode, leading to existential disturbances with relative impact on mood. It appears a loss of serene view of reality, leading to an existential weariness, with relative negligence both nutritional habits, sedentarization, loss of interest in activities and relational restriction. Sometimes, the negative experience leads to ruptures, even organic/ psychosomatic disorders that could promote suicidal ideation. Thus, an 88-year-old lady told me, when she had no worries: « we shouldn’t live so long, so old ». It can also appear or emerges a kind of intimate conflictualization, in itself or possibly persecutory/ interpretive experience. The intercurrent somatic concerns are not to be underestimated either, in particular, prostatic men.


Views on longevity are diverse

It’s not necessary to highlight only the participation of genetic factors in determining the course of a life less impacted by aging, such as the length of telomeres, the folding of proteins. Many other factors come into play as the nutrition habits, the physical exercises, particularly 10000 steps each day, even the balnéothérapie, earning time and touristic travels or attractive journeys, with visit of historical sites, penchant for creativity in various fields seem to be really positive. Obviously intellectual and memory strength in the development is able to help the effective prosecution of a long life and the writer quoted above: de Olbadia was true, clairvoyant saying this sentence: « to become a centenarian, it takes preparation from the beginning of life. »


  1. Beaulieu EE (2003) Longévité: tous centenaires? Platypus Press, UK pp. 1-120.
  2. Dufeu Audrey (2021) Le vieillissement: A la croisée des projets. Du Cerf ed, France pp. 1-232.
  3. Scharbach Hugues (1983) Approche compréhensive des Etats-Limites chez l'Adulte et chez l'Enfant. Rapport du Congrès de Psychiatrie et neurologie de langue francaise LXXXI Poitiers MASSON pp. 1-241.
  4. Scharbach Hugues (1988) Arts et Folie-Arts and Madness (1988) Cesura Lyon ed. pp. 201-208.
  5. Scharbach Hugues (1992) Automutilations et auto-offenses -self -mutilation and self-harm; PUF; collection Nodules Kindle pp. 1-127.
  6. Scharbach Hugues (1990 &1991) Expertises psychiatriques et médicopsychologiques; tomes 1 and 2; ed. Alexandre LACASSAGNE ed, LYON pp. 1-222.
  7. Scharbach Hugues (2019) Tome 3: About transgressive acting by children, teenagers and adolescents with Dysharmonic Features of personality; ed ESKA Paris, pp. 1-146.
  8. Vezina Jean (1994) Landreville Philippe. Cappeliez Philippe.