The author passed out, became disoriented, weakened and could not communicate with others this year (2023). Around 1974, a diet was constructed for him for hypoglycemia. Over and above reducing sugar and fats, the author consumed a diet soda [1-3]. The drink left an “after taste” that was bitter. By adding skim milk, the drink was enjoyable. In fact, it is now in current advertisements. Previously, this author stopped drinking, smoking and related to that which is considered “unhealthy.” This diet activity lasted around 60 years. The mixed drink was consumed daily. For roughly 60 years, the milk imbalance created an overwhelming decline of calcium. The imbalanced caused the medical issue. The author was laid in towels, sheets, and other bedding to remove the damage .It took 11 days to urinate and sweat to remove the deleterious liquids. Further, everyday activities had to be taught. Back to normality has yet to have arrived. It may take a few more weeks to become “normal.” The 30 years was so subtle this merits another contribution, however rare to medical training [4-6]. Chaos theory would suggest that even one small change can impact changes even far away. The author condition was so rare that it took two days to diagnose it. One change of diet can trigger multiple and unpredictable pathologies. The most humbling was the ability to walk, talk, and interact with others.
The studies and commercials would by this author’s interpretation suggest that milk and colas are better used sparingly. There are numerous other drinks that may suffice.
Mayer B (2022) Pepsi Milk, “Think of ‘dirty soda’ viral drink. Health line, this is the most comprehensive with 2 large studies of numerous chemicals. Soda milk is described as non-nutritious and in guarded terms.
Mayer B (2023) Studies and Promotional Material of Diet/Non- Diet Colas/ Skim/ Non-Skim Milk ---------,”Diet Soda: An Increased Risk of Cancer” The Week, Diet soda by itself is not harmful.
Kensia (2016) “This is what happens when you mix Coke and Milk” Food. The bottle is filled with a yellow to clear liquid followed by brown particles at the bottom. Further, phosphoric acid is created which is thought to be non-nutritious. This occurs about 6 hours later when the two are mixed.
Weiner Bronner Danielle (2022) “Pilk and Cookies, PepsiCo wants you to drink soda and milk this holiday season” CNN Business.
Lindsay Lohan (2022) wants you to drink “dirty soda.” What is PepsiCo ‘Pilk’ “Newsweek, CNN. This is a promotion Drink in moderation.
(2022) The remaining sources can be obtained by using the key “Polk” or “Mixing Coke and milk”. They are: Viral.Com,, All,