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ISSN: 2690-5760

Journal of Clinical & Community Medicine

Mini Review(ISSN: 2690-5760)

The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Nurses’ Mental Health: The Case of São Vicente Volume 3 - Issue 5

Master Suely Reis1*, Master Jericia Duarte1 and Master Carina Cardoso2

  • 1Master in Community Nursing, Professor, University of Mindelo, Cape Verde
  • 2Master in Pharmacology, Professor, University of Mindelo, Cape Verde

Received:September 23, 2021;   Published: October 08, 2021

Corresponding author:Master Suely Reis, Master in Community Nursing, Professor at the University of Mindelo, Cape Verde, Africa

DOI: 10.32474/JCCM.2021.03.000173


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The covid-19 pandemic, which has plagued humanity since March 2020, is configured as a situation of crisis in public health unprecedented for the current generation of health professionals, and as such has brought to light the need to value the mental health of professionals, namely that of nurses who are at the forefront in combating covid-19. In the middle of the pandemic, nurses’ vulnerability was perceived, since the situations previously considered stressful are aggravated by the pandemic scenario, causing feelings of uncertainty, emotional instability and fear to emerge, which consequently compromise the mental health and psychological well-being of nurses. And in this scenario, we propose the present study that has as general objective to identify the impacts of the covid-19 pandemic on the mental health of nurses in São Vicente. To develop this research, we propose to carry out an exploratory, descriptive, quantitative and cross-sectional study. The collection of the information will be carried out through a self-completed online questionnaire survey which will be properly prepared and validated. The target population of the study will consist of all nurses working in São Vicente in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, which will be selected through a probabilistic sample. In carrying out the study we are committed to respect all ethical and legal procedures inherent to scientific research. We believe that the results of this study will be fundamental impulses for the definition of strategies and policies for the protection and promotion of mental health of health professionals, especially nurses.

Keywords:Mental Health; Nurses; Covid-19; Psychological Impact

Abstract| Introduction| Study Methodology| Results And Contributions of The Study| References|