Most Challenging Urologic Complaint of Men Ever After-
Short Penile Length: What is the Situation in Turkish Men
Volume 1 - Issue 2
Ayse Veyhurda Dikmen*
Received: December 21, 2019; Published: January 07, 2020
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Introduction & Objectives: Short penile length is probably the oldest symptom of men for centuries. It can be troubling enough
for many men although not short in fact. Urologists often meet cases attending with complaints of insufficient penile length, but
it is known that the measures of penile length are normal in majority of cases. It is known that nearly all of the cases do not have
any knowledge in terms of normal penile length. In the literature, many studies have dealt with measures of penile length in flaccid
position. In order to build up a nomogram of the population, erectile penile length and penile circumference should be measured.
Material & Methods: In this study, cases attending with complaints of insufficient penile length and/or penile curvature were
evaluated retrospectively via results of self-measurement of erectile penile length by photographs taken by the patients at home
and circumference and its photographic documentation by patients. 1470 cases, aged between 19-73, attended outpatient urology
clinic between March 2010 and April 2019 with complaints of short penile length and/or penile curvature. They were evaluated
with IIEF scores (International Index of Erectile Function), all of whom scored between 36 and 70, measurement of serum total
testosterone, BMI (body mass index) values and the outcomes of self-measurement of penile length and circumference and its
documentation by the patients. The patients were told to measure the erectile length of penile shaft with a ruler from the skin of
penile root to the glans penis and the erectile penile circumference with a tape measure around the root of the penis while alone
and they were asked to document this process via a photograph taken at home alone and bring it to the clinic in the control visit.
Results: None of the patients had any penile curvature in erectile form in documentations and they were told not having
any problem of this kind. The mean BMI of cases was 23,3±2,9 and the erectile penile length was14,10±1,58cm with penile
circumference being 11,24±1,51cm. The cases were found to show correlation between measurements of erectile penile length and
penile circumference.
Conclusion: The penile length of 14,10±1,58cm in this study is greater than the dimensions, defined in the literature. This study
can be used to define normal erectile penile length and penile circumference in this population and to compare the attending cases.
Knowing to have a normal erectile penile length will re-establish their courage. All these efforts are worth to try after seeing the
patients, pleased with themselves upon learning that thay are not “short” in fact.
Keywords: Penis; Shortness; Dimension; Erection; Diameter
Introduction & Objectives|
Material & Methods|