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ISSN: 2690-5760

Journal of Clinical & Community Medicine

Mini Review(ISSN: 2690-5760)

Infanticides and Münchhausen Comportments by Mothers Volume 3 - Issue 3

Hugues Scharbach*

  • Paris’s University past Head of psychiatric Service in CHU, Doctor in Psychology (LYON II) National Forensic Expert hon, France

Received:August 02, 2021   Published: August 17, 2021

Corresponding author:Hugues Scharbach, Paris’s University past Head of psychiatric Service in C.H.U., Doctor in Psychology (LYON II) National Forensic Expert hon, France

DOI: 10.32474/JCCM.2021.03.000168


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Infanticides and Münchhausen ‘s syndrome by proxy concerning a Child

Infanticide may have polymorphic aspects: social: girl’s baby drowns in some countries; during the gestation with steely needle, parsley stalk introduce in genital tract, bicycle saddle pedaling hard, taking toxic substances then, after the birth, suffocation, fatal blows, freezing, even burying. The causes can be social, psychopathological, egocentric, emotional, aesthetic, angry in a type of revenge, MEDEE, such she is described by EURIPIDE, represents the paradigm, although the ambiguity is not absent, based in particular on the painted work of E. DELACROIX, such that she holds, furious, with one hand her 2 children against herself, while the other holds up a dagger seeming about to strike. This fatal acting involves a loss of the ties of filiation’s links, in the context of primary instinct, of « fundamental violence, different from aggressiveness and the death’s pulsion in terms of his goals, distinct from classical drives as to its nature. (J.BERGERET) The child can also be physically abuse-impulsive gestures can lead to injury, sometimes at the level of the skull and the « shaken child syndrome is very real, malnourished, for example by a mother with anorectic’s preoccupation, lowered morally, emotionally disturb during moment of hostile mood of a mother , who can get depressive fluctuations.

Inherent aggressiveness may also appear to be reversed in its pseudo-contrary. The submission to inadequate treatments which could be overruled by inattentive practitioners entering the harmful game through critical negligence. Harmful acts can consist in repetitive intestinal enema -with rice water, as was the case in the past-as well as the temperature by rectal route, for suspected fever, keeping the pseudo-ill child in bed under blankets, in the isolation from others, cut off contact with young people of same age, that he doesn’t meet in school. Sometimes, a small colitis, a diarrhea, a little acme of fever without consequence serves as a starting point for the gear and the child regresses and doesn’t participate in play, game and learning, meeting bad condition of growth. This may have been the case of a mother who is bored or who has follow her husband away from her family circle, some time in another country.

Keywords: Murder of the Child; Newborn; Growing; Fragility of the Mother’s Personality Structure; Etiopathogenic; Environmental Factors; Dramatic Fantasmatisation; Story of Humanity; Sacrifice; Taboo; MEDEE; JASON

Abstract| Resume| Introduction| The Infanticic Acting| Typical Profile| Conclusion|