Numerical Investigation of Structural Behaviour of
Historical Stone Arches
Volume 3 - Issue 2
Marco Bovo*, Claudio Mazzotti and Marco Savoia
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- Department Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering, University of Bologna, Italy
*Corresponding author:
Marco Bovo, Research Assistant, DICAM, Department Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials
Engineering, University of Bologna, Viale Risorgimento, 2 - 40136 Bologna, Italy
Received: January 30, 2019; Published: February 25, 2019
DOI: 10.32474/TCEIA.2018.03.000160
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This paper presents the numerical analysis of the structural behaviour of an historical masonry storehouse in Trieste, Italy. The
large complex subject of the study is dated back to XIX Century and it is nowadays disused and in an advanced state of deterioration.
The monumental building, object of detailed building survey defining geometry and characteristics, were extensively studied
and analysed by means of a comprehensive experimental campaign conducted on its walls, foundations and arches. The main
outcomes of the in-situ and laboratory tests allowed to defining the properties and the behaviour of some structural elements.
The collected experimental data allowed defining and calibrating of detailed finite element models of the building composed of
walls, columns, arches and vaults. The main goals of the modelling were the calibration of global material parameters to obtain a
correct interpretation of the experimental tests conducted and the study of behaviour and capacity of the building when subject to
horizontal loadings, such those due to a seismic excitation. The collected experimental data are compared here with the numerical
results. Furthermore, the finite element models were used to perform numerical analyses under horizontal forces: linear analyses
were conducted in order to estimate the important stiffening contribution of vaulted floor of the building and to define an equivalent
not curved 2D diaphragm; nonlinear analyses were performed to estimate the ductility of the stonework arches-vaults system,
taking also into account, or excluding, the flexibility of the foundation system previously calibrated. The approach adopted in the
present paper proved to be effective and provide for an effective tool for evaluating the seismic vulnerability of complex masonry
structures. Furthermore, the main outcomes in the paper will allow a properly design of future strengthening and conservation
interventions for the increased design loading levels associated with the new intended use of the construction.
Keywords: Seismic assessment; Arch-vault systems; Historical construction; Pushover analysis; Deformable floor
Description of Building and Experimental Campaign|
Numerical Modelling and Interpretation of Experimental Tests|