Analysis of Risk Associated with Hospital Waste
Management Practices in Public
Hospitals in Port Harcourt
Volume 2 - Issue 3
Chukwu Okeah GO1*, Abel JB2 and Okemini EB3
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- 1Department of Geography & Environmental Management, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
- 2River State Ministry of Environment, Nigeria
- 3Department of Sociology, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
*Corresponding author: Chukwu Okeah GO, Department of Geography & Environmental Management, University of Port Harcourt,
Received: March 19, 2018; Published: March 28, 2018
DOI: 10.32474/AOICS.2018.02.000137
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The study set out to investigate the risk associated with hospital waste management in Port Harcourt. To achieve this, five
research questions and five research objectives alongside two hypotheses were put forth to guide the study. The study adopted the
use of cross sectional survey research design. A total of 90 persons were purposively sampled from three public hospitals using the
stratified sampling technique to ensure all the class of persons working in the hospital was captured in the study. Questionnaire was
used as the data collection instrument in the study. The results from the study revealed that waste is generated often in the sampled
hospitals, Liquids, human waste and sharps are the most generated waste in the hospitals, the major waste disposal method amongst
the hospitals is the use of waste contractors and that the health risk associated with hospital waste is high.
Statistically the study revealed that the study revealed that there is no impact of personnel training on hospital waste management
and also that there are health risks associated with Hospital waste management system. Therefore the study recommended that
there is need to expose the workforce to more trainings that have true bearing on waste management as to enhance their knowledge
of waste management making them fit in the job they do and that Government needs to enshrine a law set up a check system for
hospital waste management system as the use of waste contractors as revealed is unsuitable for hospital waste management.
Keywords: Risk; Hospital waste; Waste management practices; Public hospitals; Health
Result and Discussion|
Discussion of Findings|
Conclusion and Recommendations|