Receptor Status Accuracy in Breast Cancer: Core Biopsy or
Excision? A Mini Review
Volume 3 - Issue 5
Mohammed J Alyousef*, Mohammed M Hajla and Maha Abdel Hadi
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- Departments of Pathology and Surgery, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Saudi Arabia
*Corresponding author:
Mohammed J Alyousef, Departments of Pathology and Surgery,Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University,
Saudi Arabia
Received: August 11, 2020; Published: August 20, 2020
DOI: 10.32474/OAJOM.2020.03.000175
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With the advent of minimally invasive surgical techniques core needle biopsy (CNB) has emerged as an accurate method of
obtaining representative tissue providing both prognostic and diagnostic valuable information the management of breast cancer.
This review aims to compare the precision and limitations in the reporting of CNB and excisional biopsies. (EB)
Materials and Methods: All patients diagnosed with breast cancer were reviewed. Review of the histological data was the
essence of this study. Only patients whose receptors were tested in both core and excisions were included. The hormonal status of
estrogen receptors (ER), progesterone receptors (PgR) and Her2 were evaluated immunohistochemically. Equivocal HER2 status
was reassessed using Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) test.
Results: The total number of patients diagnosed with breast cancer was 112. In 36 (32.1%) patients complete synchronized
immunohistological testing for both CNB and EB was executed and compared. The concordance rate observed in was as follows:ER
was matched in 27 (75%), PgR in 22 (61.1%) Her2 in 34(94%).The calculated concordance rate was 86%, 80%, 94% for ER PgR
and Her2 respectively.
Conclusion: CNB has proven a valuable and an adequate minimally invasive method for obtaining an accurate representative
tissue. The reliability in obtaining HER2 status can be precisely determined however, ER and PgR should be interpreted with caution.
Keywords: Core Needle Biopsy; Excision Biopsy; Concordance; Breast Cancer
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