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ISSN: 2638-5945

Open Access Journal of Oncology and Medicine

Case Report(ISSN: 2638-5945)

Post-vaccination feline sarcoma, Report in Colombia Volume 4 - Issue 3

VM.Molina*1, J. Morales, MF1, Gutierrez2,3

  • 1Boehringer Ingelheim, Pet Technical Service, Colombia
  • 2Clinic veterinary Campomaskotas. Colombia
  • 3University of La Salle, Colombia

Received:March 03, 2021   Published: April 26, 2021

Corresponding author: VM. Molina, Boehringer Ingelheim, Pet Technical Service, Colombia

DOI: 10.32474/OAJOM.2021.04.000190


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Post-vaccine feline sarcoma or injection site sarcoma (FISS) in a neoplasm described in felines in Colombia occurs after the use of inactive adjuvant vaccines. The objective is to describe the presence of a feline sarcoma after vaccination with inactive feline leukemia virus, first case described in Colombia. Un feline, male, half-breed, 7 years old, sterilized, vaccinated with inactive feline leukemia vaccine, for 3 years, develops a nodule 5 cm in diameter in the dorsal region, signature and non-allgesic. DeepE n dermis and striatum muscle evidence neoplastic proliferation of fusiform cells, mainly expansive and to a less invasive extent, organizing into short beams and long fascicles that intersect, with dense and lax spotlights and in spotlights is arranged in a fishbone pattern. The cells have fusiform morphology, slightly ovoid, irregular, some rounded, with faint and intense eosinophil cytoplasm in other denser spotlights. Cellular pleomorphism and moderate anistocytosis are evidenced. The nuclei have round, ovoid, and irregular morphology. It shows the presence of one or more nucléolos in some of its cells, mainly fine granular chromatin, nuclear pleomorphism and moderate anisocariosis. 4 mitosis were counted in 10 fields with the high power target at 2.37 mm2, no apparent lymphovascular invasion is observed, side edge compromise is evident. Additionally, discrete multifocal necrosis bulbs < 50%, multifocal moderate polymorphic polymorphonuclear inflammatory infiltrate and multifocal lymphocytic mononuclear infiltrate. Se describes the presence of post-vaccine feline sarcoma, as the first case described in Colombia.

Keywords: Feline; Neoplasm; Leukemia; Vaccine; Nodule

Abstract| Introduction| Materials and Methods| Results| Discussion| Conclusions| References|