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ISSN: 2690-5752

Journal of Anthropological and Archaeological Sciences

Opinion(ISSN: 2690-5752)

The Future of Amazonia; an Announced Worldwide Tragedy Volume 4 - Issue 3

Marcílio De Freitas*

  • Professor at the Federal University of Amazonas, Former Secretary of Science and Technology of the State of Amazonas, Brazil

Received:June 15, 2021;   Published: June 25, 2021

Corresponding author:Marcílio De Freitas, Professor at the Federal University of Amazonas, Former Secretary of Science and Technology of the State of Amazonas, Brazil

DOI: 10.32474/JAAS.2021.04.000188


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“Amazonia is one of the planet’s last utopias. Before the New World was discovered, it already instigated the imaginary of people, travelers and government”. What is its future? This article is a synthesis text on the importance of protecting Amazonia and constructing its sustainable development. Currently, it is going through a very critical phase and it needs all national and international solidarities. It needs to be saved. Its cultures and biomes are in process of fast extinction. Its full submission to the market and to the process of predatory privatization has contributed towards its fast ecological depreciation and exploitation. “Why is Amazonia the last eco-cultural utopia of humanity? What problems does it puts to the World and why is it important to Humanity? Why does predatory capitalism have no theoretical and empirical scope to transform Amazonia into a sustainable environmental commodity? How can we protect it of human stupidity and the market greed? Why has the Brazilian government become a weapon against Amazonia? How can it be developed in a sustainable way for the benefit of the Brazilian people and the Humanity? Who will guarantee its protection? Who will finance its sustainable development?” These questions are analyzed in this text through macro scenarios.

Abstract| Introduction| References|