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ISSN: 2690-5752

Journal of Anthropological and Archaeological Sciences

Review Article(ISSN: 2690-5752)

Ancient Biomolecules Unravel our History: A Technical Update with Examples from the Middle East Volume 8 - Issue 3

Sara Tomei1*, Ambra D’Aurelio1, Ferhan Sakal2, Francesca Castorina3,4, Faisal Al Naimi2 and Cristina Martínez Labarga5

  • 1Omics Core, Integrated Genomics Services, Sidra Medicine, Doha, Qatar
  • 2Department of Archaeology, Qatar Museums, Doha, Qatar
  • 3CNR, Istituto di Geologia Ambientale E Geoingegneria, c/o Dipartimento di Scienze Della Terra, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy
  • 4Department of Earth Sciences, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy
  • 5Dipartimento di Biologia, Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Rome, Italy

Received:July 20, 2023;   Published: July 26, 2023

Corresponding author:Dr. Sara Tomei, Omics Core, Integrated Genomics Services, Sidra Medicine, Doha, Qatar

DOI: 10.32474/JAAS.2023.08.000290


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Context: The study of ancient biomolecules represents a useful tool to address questions related to human history.

Objective: This manuscript provides an overview of the major categories of ancient biomolecules, highlighting their potentialities when applied to research.

Methods: This study gathered knowledge from recently published papers on paleogenomics, paleoproteomics, ancient lipids and stable isotope analyses with the aim of providing a technical and historical background on ancient biomolecules, and examples of their application in the Arabian Peninsula and Middle East in general.

Results: The progress seen in the past decade with regard to the study of ancient biomolecules has led to a dramatic expansion of the studies that apply those analyses. Increasing attention has also been paid to the development and optimization of protocols aimed at reducing and/or preventing the risk of contamination. While extensively applied to Western areas, the study of ancient biomolecules in the Middle East and the Arabian Peninsula has been limited.

Conclusions: Research on ancient biomolecules represents the most valuable source of information to understand our evolutionary past at an inconceivable level of detail, especially when applied to areas so far underrepresented in this field, such as the Middle East and the Arabian Peninsula in particular.

Keywords:Paleobiology; ancient DNA; Gulf; stable isotopes; strontium

Abstract| Introduction| Stable Isotope Analysis: Investigating Human Diet and Mobility| Ancient DNA (aDNA) analysis| Dental Calculus, a Valuable Tool to Investigate Microbiome| Ancient proteins| Ancient Lipids| Concluding Remarks| Conflict of Interest| Acknowledgements| References|