Utility of Volumetric 3-Dimensions Rendering Technology
in Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy for Intrarenal
Lesions. Two Case Reports
Volume 2 - Issue 1
Mahmoud I Khalil, Mohamed H Kamel, Christopher M Campbell, Rodney Davis, and Bruno Machado*
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- Department of Urology, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), USA
*Corresponding author:
Bruno Machado MD, Assistant Professor, Urology Department, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences,
Received:June 20, 2019; Published:June 26, 2019
DOI: 10.32474/JUNS.2019.01.000128
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Introduction: The three dimensions (3D) virtual reality is a widespread technology that started gaining field at medicine in the
last decades. This report demonstrates the use of pre-operative volumetric three dimensions rendering images to plan and guide
laparoscopic partial nephrectomies for intra-renal lesions.
Case reports: We present two cases, one with left partially endophytic upper polar mass and other with right endophytic upper
polar Bosniak III renal cyst. Three dimensional renderization was done using the open-source software: OsiriX®. It was utilized to
guide lesion specific resection in the operative field. Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy was performed uneventfully in both patients
in a relatively short timing and minimal blood loss.
Conclusion: Despite the incommodious application of the advanced 3D volumetric rendering in skillful surgical procedures, it
allows better expectation of surgical challenging tasks with resultant good surgical and oncological outcome.
Keywords: 3D Printing; Kidney Neoplasms; Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy; Virtual Reality
Abbreviations: 3D: 3 Dimensions; CT: Computerized Tomography; LPN: laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy; OR: Operating Room;
PO3DR: Pre-operative 3D renderizations; VR: Virtual Realit
Case Report|