Trace Element Concentrations in the Expressed
Prostatic Secretion of Normal and Hyperplastic
Volume 1 - Issue 3
Vladimir Zaichick*1 and Sofia Zaichick2
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- 1Radionuclide Diagnostics Department, Medical Radiological Research Centre, Russia
- 2Department of Medicine, University of Illinois College of Medicine, USA
*Corresponding author:
V Zaichick, Medical Radiological Research Centre, Korolyev St. 4, Obninsk 249036, Kaluga Region, Russia
Received: September 03, 2018; Published: September 07, 2018
DOI: 10.32474/JUNS.2018.01.000112
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Objectives: Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is an internationally important health problem of the man, particularly in
developed countries. The aim of this exploratory study was to evaluate whether significant changes in the levels of Zn and some
other trace elements of prostatic fluid exist in the hyperplastic prostate.
Methods: Prostatic fluid levels of Br, Fe, Rb, Sr, and Zn were prospectively evaluated in 52 patients with BPH and 38 healthy male
inhabitants. Measurements were performed using 109Cd radionuclide-induced energy dispersive X-ray fluorescent microanalysis.
Prostatic fluid samples were divided into two portions. One was used for morphological study while the other was intended for trace
element analysis.
Results: Mean values ± standard error of means (M±SΕΜ) for concentration (mg/L) of trace element in the prostatic fluid of
normal prostate were: Br ±2.86±0.59, Fe 8.30±1.42, Rb 1.16±0.10, Sr 1.27±0.17, and Zn 598±34. It was observed that in the EPF of
hyperplastic prostate content of Rb significantly increased whereas content of Zn somewhat decreased in a comparison with those
in the EPF of normal prostate.
Conclusion: There are significant changes in trace element contents and their relationships in the fluid of hyperplastic prostate.
The alterations in levels of Zn and Rb in the EPF of hyperplastic prostate might demonstrate an involvement of these trace elements
in etiology and pathogenesis of BPH. It was supposed that the changes of Zn and Rb levels in the EPF samples can be used as BPH
Keywords: Prostate Cancer; Prostatic Fluid; Trace Elements; Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescent Analysis
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