The Role of Chemotherapy in Triple Negative
Breast Cancer
Volume 1 - Issue 1
Almuradova DM*
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- Tashkent Medical Academy, Таshkent, Uzbekistan, Central Asia
*Corresponding author:
Almuradova DM, Tashkent Medical Academy, Таshkent, Uzbekistan, Central Asia
Received: May 10, 2018; Published: May 18, 2018
DOI: 10.32474/JUNS.2018.01.000102
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Breast cancer (BC) is the most frequent tumor worldwide. Triple-negative BCs are characterized by the negative estrogen and
progesterone receptors and negative HER2, and represent 12-18% of all BCs. Breast cancer (breast cancer) is the most common
oncological disease in women in the Uzbekistan. Data from epidemiological studies show that TNBC is more common in young
women (up to 50 years) before menopause. In addition, the likelihood of TNBC is higher in women with early menarche, the first
pregnancy at an earlier age, a short period of breastfeeding, and an increased body mass index. It should be not that the prognosis
for TNBC does not depend on the degree of differentiation of the tumor, the presence of lymph node metastases, the size of the
tumor or the treatment performed. The aggressiveness of TNBC was also confirm by the maximum risk of recurrence during the first
three years after surgical treatment with a maximum mortality within the first 5 years. TNBC is a subtype of tumors with a special
character of metastasis. Based on the above, we have undertaken the present work, having set ourselves the following goal: to
improve immediate and long-term results of treatment of patients with locally advanced thyroid cancer by using the most effective
diagnostic methods and comprehensive treatment.
Keywords: Triple negative BC; Neoadjuvant; Adjuvant; Metastatic Chemotherapy; Paclitaxel; Docetaxel; Gemisitabin
Abbrevations: AIOM: Associazione Italiana di Oncologia Medica; ESMO: European Society for Medical Oncology; NCCN: National
Comprehensive Cancer Network; q3w: Every 3 Weeks; BC: Breast Cancer
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