Ethics Applied in ICU For Rehabilitation Care in Users
with Oncological Disease and Compromised Renal
Volume 1 - Issue 2
Jorge Enrique Moreno-Collazos*1, Eva Segura Orti2, Diana Carolina Zona Rubio3 and Julián Alberto Moreno4
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- 1Physiotherapist, Specialist in Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation. Master of Science in Physical Activity and Sports. PhD in public health, Manuela
Beltrán University, Avenida Circunvalar Nº 60-00 Bogotá, Cundinamarca, Colombia
- 2Physiotherapist, PhD in Physiotherapy, Teacher and researcher, Physiotherapy Department, Cardenal Herrera University, Valencia, España
- 3Respiratory Therapist Specialist in respiratory therapy in critical care, Candidate to Master of Science-Pharmacology, Teachers researcher of
the Cardiorespiratory Therapy Unit, Manuela Beltrán University, Colombia
- 4Collazos, Physical Culturist, Occupational Health Specialist, Minuto de Dios University, Colombia
*Corresponding author:
Jorge Enrique Moreno-Collazos, Physiotherapist, Specialist in Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation. Master of Science
in Physical Activity and Sports, PhD in public health, Manuela Beltrán University, Avenida Circunvalar Nº 60-00 Bogotá, Cundinamarca,
Received: July 26, 2018;; Published: July 31, 2018
DOI: 10.32474/JUNS.2018.01.000110
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Renal rehabilitation based on early body movement in intensive care units that has been expanding its fields of action from
the areas of health promotion, disease prevention, maintenance and rehabilitation of people from the center of study human body
movement applied in comprehensive care in intensive care units, which leads to reflection on a reflective theoretical discernment
process of conceptual elements that lead to understand the ethical vision of the concept of body and movement in a hospitalization
context from the renal environment where key aspects such as pain, care, dysfunctions, limitations and disabilities resulting from
the immobilization process are articulated in the bioethical principles from the praxis of human movement.
Keywords: Ethics; Renal Insufficiency; Intensive Care; Rehabilitation.