Acute Renal Attack After Treatment with Carapa Procera
Oil: Two Cases at the Ziguinchor Peace Hospital (Senegal
West Africa) and Review of the Literature
Volume 2 - Issue 4
Kane Yaya1*, Bah Aw Mamadou2, Lemrabott AT2, Faye Maria2, Faye Moustapha2, Ka El Fary2, Niang Abdou2, Diouf
Boucar2, Seck Sidy Mohamed3, Diawara Mame Selly4 and Cisse M Moustapha4
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- 1Nephrology haemodialysis Service, Peace Hospital Assane Seck University of Ziguinchor, Senegal
- 2HALD UCAD Dakar haemodialysis nephrology service, Senegal
- 3St. Louis UGB CHR haemodialysis nephrology service, Senegal
- 4CHR haemodialysis nephrology department of Thiès/University of Thiès, Senegal
*Corresponding author:
kane Yaya, Nephrology Haemodialysis Service, Peace Hospital Assane Seck University of Ziguinchor, Senegal
Received: December 16, 2019; Published: January 07, 2020
DOI: 10.32474/JUNS.2020.02.000141
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We describe two cases of impaired secondary renal function to a Carapa Procera taking as part of traditional treatment in
Ziguinchor, southern Senegal. The certain or suspected toxicity of Carapa Procera is little known in the literature. In the two reported
observations, no cause but the traditional treatment was found to explain the clinical picture presented. The development was
favourable in all cases after medical treatment and a few hemodialysis sessions. we insist on the difficult context of investigation
of these accidents, on the medical ignorance of these practices in sub-Saharan Africa and in Senegal in particular, as well as on the
necessary collaboration with local botanists knowledgeable in traditional medicine.
Keywords: Carapa procera; Kidney attack; Casamance
Clinical Observations|