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ISSN: 2644-1373

LOJ Pharmacology & Clinical Research

Mini Review(ISSN: 2644-1373)

Effective Process for Quality Assurance Volume 1 - Issue 1

Boyd L Summers*

  • Weber State University, USA

Received: August 29, 2018;   Published: September 07, 2018

Corresponding author:Boyd L Summers, Weber State University, USA

DOI: 10.32474/LOJPCR.2018.01.000101


Abstract PDF


Opportunities to work in the field for World Chemistry and having Quality Assurance support the perspective and understanding from day to day activities and to provide effective and advocate a Quality Assurance culture that supports commitments to customer integrity. In order to develop, operate, and maintain Quality Assurance process capabilities, there must be a major discipline in supporting the entire life-cycle (i.e., commitment, consulting, planning, verification, and validation for design, builds, Quality Assurance, and delivery to customers) needs to be completely understood. The critical understanding and the start of the right disciplines of these methods empower and achieve effective, flexible, and Quality Assurance results.


Effective Quality Assurance processes are inclusive for creating all people to work together and establish an inspired future for all hospitals, companies, institutions and successful businesses.


Driving the growth of people and all businesses through personal and professional development are focused on disciplined execution and quality. Quality Assurance Steps are:

a) Quality Assurance Planning

b) Perform Quality Assurance Reviews & Audits & Evaluations.

c) Record and Report all Quality Assurance Reviews & Audits & Evaluation Results.

Quality Planning

At the start of each review period, Quality Assurance representative must prepare for audit, review and evaluation planning by identifying contracts and those processes that will be evaluated during that specific review period. The identified contracts and processes evaluated during the review period require the right criteria derived from companies and business documentation (or associated plans and procedures).

Quality Assurance Management

Quality Assurance Management ensures that everything is consistent. It has four main components:

a. Quality planning

b. Quality assurance

c. Quality control

d. Quality improvement

Quality Assurance Management is focused not only on product and service quality, but also on the means to achieve it. Quality Assurance Management will use quality assurance and control of processes as well as products and support to achieve more consistent quality. To have Quality Assurance Management in place it is simply, having documented paperwork, online instructions, execution with knowledgeable employees monitoring, measuring and making continual improvements. The following improvements are to plan and document to deliver results and do implementation by a skilled work force. Always Check and Act to take actions and continually improve performance. To have Quality Assurance Management implemented, the companies and all businesses must be focused, process based, and improvement oriented. Say what you do, do what you say, prove it, and improve it. A Quality Assurance Management system can be used for internal application certifications and contractual purposes and the focus on the effectiveness of the Quality Assurance Management for meeting customer requirements and expectations.

Do What You Say: (Compliance) must follow all procedures and instructions that affect employees use current plans, procedures, and work instructions. Prove It: (Records) demonstrate your work in accordance with compliant plans, processes, procedures and provide objective evidence. Improve It: (Business Management/ Continual Improvement and implement change based on information provided by Management. If the specification does not reflect the true Quality Assurance requirements, the product’s quality cannot be guaranteed. For instance, the parameters for a pressure vessel should cover not only the material and dimensions but operating, environmental, safety, reliability and maintainability requirements. The quality of products is dependent upon that of the participating constituents for some of which are sustainable and effectively controlled. The processes are managed with Quality Assurance to pertain total Quality Assurance Management.

Quality Assurance Teams

The Quality Assurance Team or organizations must provide effective product evaluation processes and specific quality assurance for effective business methods. The Quality Assurance Team does ensure compliance to required standards and control of all developed work products and changes. It is important that quality attributes become the responsibility of everyone supporting development environments inside business companies. The management of Quality Assurance for all activities is summarized in reviews, changing control and compliance to contracts, standards, verification, and validation. Be positive and move Quality Assurance onto customers and learning processes will benefit upcoming companies and businesses for understanding and BE POSITIVE in all Quality Assurance tasks and activities. There are other and effective methods for audits and evaluations, but the number one method is to ensure “Quality Assurance is First” and the other methods come in second!

Customer Satisfaction: The concept of ensuring to a business customer that effective work methods have been compliant and meets concrete expectations for customer satisfaction. Many mistakes are made often when businesses and companies work to poorly defined required expectations and requirements from the start. Poor execution will compromise the Quality Assurance of important and required methods to produce and deliver value. All managers and leaders need to ensure the expectations from the work employees and customers are understood and these expectations have no surprises to wreak havoc.

Quality Assurance Methods

Quality Assurance Methods is a way to ensure a productive capacity meets its intended end-results such as customer requirements, planned production levels, reliability, risk and direct economic cost. The term is used for companies, institutions, military programs, and successful businesses as far reaching as production and technology. Quality Assurance methods provide assurance related to productivity and quality management due to organizational and human factors are considered, as well as technical aspects.

Companies and businesses will always be successful once personnel are encouraged to be cooperative and have a proactive approach to the importance of Quality Assurance Methods. Quality Assurance Methods ensures process compliance with the standards and contractual agreements through audits, reviews and evaluations and having effective meetings along with management participation. The results are always reported to management.