It is known that in traditional power engineering hydrogen may
be one of the first primary source of equipment damage [1]. This
problem has high actuality for both nuclear and thermonuclear
power engineering [2]. Particularly reactor pressure vessels (RPV)
of the WWER-440/230 project was manufactured without stainless
cladding that were in contact with primary circuit water and
accessible for hydrogen as a product of RPV wall corrosion. Analysis
of the combined radiation-hydrogenation embrittlement of the
48TS type vessel steel was performed in [3] where at the mention
of the American [4] and own data question concerning unknown
source of hydrogen in metal that was irradiated in nuclear reactor
in hermetic ampoules (was named as “irradiation-produced
hydrogen” (IPH) was raised.
(Table 1) lists chemical composition of the RPV steel used
(48TS type). A-543 type US steel takes for comparison.
Table 1: Chemical composition of the RPV steels 48TS and A-543
4% solution of H2SO4 was used for additional electrolytic
hydrogenation of the specimens (current density 0,1A/cm2).
Hydrogen concentration was determined by thermal degassing
method at temperatures up to 1000°C with gas chromatograph
(thermal conductivity detector) registration of gas released.
Determination of the hydrogen content in the irradiated steel
fulfilled in the USA went to unexpected result: hydrogen content
noticeably exceeded the quantity rated at (n, p) transmutation
reaction: less than 0,1 ppm. Results of the IPH concentration in steel
analysis carried out in the USA are shown in (Table 2) [4]. One can
see that the greater the fast neutron fluence (FNF) the greater the
hydrogen content. Ageing of the steel at 100-325°C during 48 hours
revealed that IPH is not diffusible up to irradiation temperature
that is IRH are in the irradiation produced traps. Inasmuch as IPH at
temperatures of mechanical tests was immovable indicated values
were subtracted from total quantity of hydrogen measured.
Table 2: Dependence of the IPH concentration in steel versus FNF
Table 3: Dependence of the IPH concentration in steel versus FNF
In I.V. Kurchatov Institute at several experiments was
determined that steel specimens irradiated at relatively low (100-
140°C) temperatures in sealed Ar contained ampoules hydrogen
content was many times higher relatively initial content but was
independent on FNF (Table 3) [3]. Degassing kinetics are plotted in
Figures 1&2. As one can see from Figure 1 that RIH discharge starts
when heating temperature exceeds the irradiation temperature. It
means that RIH is accumulated in radiation defects (traps). Rather
later data appear on unexpectedly high hydrogen concentrations
in stainless steels irradiated in BWR type reactors [5] and high
generations of hydrogen and helium in nickel [6]. Surprisingly high
hydrogen concentrations were revealed in irradiated graphite [7].
Figure 1: IPH degassing kinetics for irradiated steel (4,5×1020сm-2 at 140°С).
Figure 2: Hydrogen degassing kinetics for irradiated and irradiated+hydrogenated steel
It is necessary to look for enigmatic source of hydrogen
especially because in frame of inspections numerous flows were
detected in the forged rings of the reactor pressure vessels in the
Belgian nuclear power plants [8]. The owner Electrabel claimed
that flaws were “most likely” hydrogen flakes. One of the unobvious
but probable initial hypothesis on enigmatic source of the hydrogen
in operating nuclear reactor is generation of protons as a product of
beta-decay of free neutrons (lifetime ~15 min.) [9].