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ISSN: 2637-6660

Archives of Nanomedicine: Open Access Journal

Review Article(ISSN: 2637-6660)

Understanding the Machinery of Mycobacteriophage to Control Infection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv Using Mycobacterium Smegmatis

Volume 2 - Issue 2

Manas Gupta, Shivangi and Laxman S. Meena*

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    • CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology, India

    *Corresponding author: Laxman S Meena, CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology, India

Received: November 08, 2019;   Published: December 06, 2019

DOI: 10.32474/ANOAJ.2019.02.000133

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Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv (M. tuberculosis) infection is one of the most common and deadliest infection in present time and the main reason of mortality due to an infectious disease i.e. Tuberculosis (TB). Mycobacteriophage therapy is a novel study for controlling this bacterial infection. Mycobacteriophage are the member of a group of bacteriophages that infects Mycobacterium and are specific for their host. Infection on Mycobacterium result in their lysis making Mycobacteriophage a viable topic for study, the infection requires a number of proteins to lyse the cell wall core i.e. Mycolyl-arabinogalactan peptidoglycan complex of the bacterium and other layers of cell envelope. This review article highlights crucial points about lytic proteins synthesized by Mycobacteriophage Ms6 and the factors like pH, temperature, phage titre, etc. which affect the infection and growth of phage inside the M. tuberculosis. Further article talks about in-vivo infection strategy used to infect Mycobacterium avium109 (M. avium) using a non-virulent strain of Mycobacterium infected with TM4 mycobacteriophage. Thus, this article provides a basic fundamental knowledge about the working mechanism of mycobacteriophage that help to control or reduce the infection of M. tuberculosis.

Keywords: Mycobacterium tuberculosis; Mycobacteriophage Ms6; Mycobacteriophage TM4

Abbreviation: tuberculosis: Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv; TB: Tuberculosis; HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus ; M. smegmatis : Mycobacterium smegmatis; DNA: Deoxyribonucleic acid; AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome; MOI: Multiplicity Of Infection; Ca2+: Calcium Ion; Lys B: lysin B ; M. avium : Mycobacterium avium109; MBTC: Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Complex; mAGP: Mycolyl-Arabinogalactan Peptidoglycan; M. bovis: Mycobacterium bovis; pNPB: p-Nitrophenyl Butyrate; Mn2+: Manganese Ion; Mg2+: Magnesium Ion; K+: Potassium Ion; PMSF: Phenyl Methyl Sulfonyl Fluoride; WHO: World Health Organisation

Abstract| Introduction| Conclusion| Highlights| References|