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ISSN: 2637-4668

Trends in Civil Engineering and its Architecture

Research article(ISSN: 2637-4668)

Modeling Heterogeneous Grades of Aggregate on Partial Replacement of Metakaolin on Compressive Strength of Concrete

Volume 4 - Issue 1

Eluozo SN*1 and Dimkpa K2

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    • 1Department of Civil Engineering, Gregory University Uturu (GUU), Nigeria
    • 2Department of Architecture, Rivers State University, Nigeria

    *Corresponding author: Eluozo SN, Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Gregory University Uturu (GUU), Abia State of Nigeria, Nigeria

Received: August 25, 2020;   Published: September 11, 2020

DOI: 10.32474/TCEIA.2020.04.000179

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Aggregate in different size has been known to be one of the concrete properties in strength development of any grades. The study evaluates the sizes of aggregate in heterogeneous condition to determine their various rate of effect to the optimum required strength. These are determined on the design grade required based on the imposed loads evenly distributed, the study precisely monitored the impact of heterogeneity of aggregate size at different mixed proportion, the size and shapes of aggregate were considered in the study integrated with Metakaolin content at different dosage, the study observed linear growth to the optimum level recorded at twenty eight days of curing, various predictive values were generated to monitor the variationof developed strength influenced by heterogeneous aggregate size, it is observed that the larger the size, the lower surface for the development of the gel bonds, these were monitored and evaluated based on the developed modeling techniques, other observation shows that the bigger size of aggregate on heterogeneous level inconcrete mix prevent the uniformity of load distribution,when it experience stress. Compactions of the concrete were other parameter that displayed its effect on the variation of strength as it experienced the effect on this condition, while others include the cement-aggregate ratios and curing time. The predictive values were compared with experimental data for model validation, and both parameters developed best fits correlation, the study is imperative because the effect of aggregate size and shapes has be evaluated, there rate of impact on concrete strength partially replaced with Metakaolin has been determined.

Keywords: Modeling heterogeneous, Aggregate Metakaolin and compressive strength

Abstract| Introduction| Theoretical Background| Materials and Method| Results and Discussion| Conclusion| References|