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ISSN: 2637-4668

Trends in Civil Engineering and its Architecture

Research Article(ISSN: 2637-4668)

A Comparative Study on Properties of Different Grade Bitumen Used in The Transportation Projects in and Around Dhaka City

Volume 3 - Issue 2

Md Razibur Rahman1*, Subrata Chowdhury2, Md abdullah2, Avijit Sarkar2, Saidur Rahman Sayeed2 and Md Monoarul Islam Real2

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    • 1Department of Civil Engineering, Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET), Bangladesh
    • 2Department of Civil Engineering, Stamford University Bangladesh

    *Corresponding author: Md Razibur Rahman, Department of Civil Engineering, Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET), Bangladesh

Received: January 28, 2019;   Published: February 15, 2019

DOI: 10.32474/TCEIA.2018.03.000159

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Bangladesh is a developing country as well as the number of populations is too much higher. For fulfilling the demand of people, firstly a good transportation system is necessary for our country. Among the all three modes of transport, (land transport (road, rail), water transport, air transport) roadway is mostly used mode of transport in Bangladesh. Bitumen is one of the main courses of roadway pavement structure. It is used as a binder material.

Bitumen is an oil-based element. It is a semi-solid hydrocarbon product produced by removing the lighter fractions (such as liquid petroleum gas, petrol and diesel) from bulky crude oil during the refining process. As such, it is correctly known as refined bitumen. Bitumen is a mixture of dark, sticky, highly viscous organic liquids composed mainly of aromatic hydrocarbons. It is usually black or dark brown in color. The material behavior is dependent on the ambient temperature. The main objective in this paper is to determine the actual values of different grade bitumen used in and around Dhaka city ,to compare the standard values and actual values of different grade bitumen , to select the perfect types of bitumen which are suitable for our country and finally to provide better surface conditions of roadway.

Keywords: Mode of transportation; Bitumen; Pavement; Temperature; Sticky

Abstract| Introduction| Test Procedure| Data Analysis of Specific Gravity Test| Data Analysis of Softening Point Test (Figure 3)| Data Analysis of Ductility Test| Data Analysis of Solubility Test| Comparison Between Standard Values and Experimental Values of Different Grade Bitumen| Conclusion| References|