The answer to the heading question is an affirmative yes! Not
only persistence to elevate the central venous pressure (CVP) but
also pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) is among the
fundamental commonly practiced but most misleading reasons
for overzealous fluid infusion in managing haemodynamic shock
of poly-trauma victims and inducing volumetric overload shock
(VOS). The generally received practice on raising CVP and PCWP to
level of 18-22 cm water in the management of shock as well as in
acutely ill patients is a misconception [1]. All physiology textbooks
testify that the normal CVP is 0 and ranges between -7 to +7 cm
water measured at middle auxilary line- the level of right atrium on
supine posture [2]. The best advice here is that we should imitate
nature exactly if we can’t understand how it truly works. Raising
CVP to such high level vastly increases filtration force at capillaries
inducing VOS and causing oedema of the multiple vital organ
dysfunction/ failure (MVOD/F) as detailed in the articles [3,4].
Deep at the bottom of all such physiological errors and clinical
misconceptions [5] concerning elevating venous and arterial
pressures in managing shock are the erroneous Starling’s law
and the overlooked newly discovered hydrodynamic magnetic
phenomenon of porous orifice (G) tube [3]. The latter makes sense
of circulatory haemodynamic in health and in shock. All errors are
rectifiable when the new phenomenon redefines shock précising
the correct role played by the arterial and venous pressures, and
the unique role played by the pre-capillary sphincter in both
the capillary-interstitial circulation and systemic circulation
[5]. The orifice diameter induces maximum efficient flow of the
hydrodynamic capillary-interstitial circulation when its ratio to
tube diameter is 0.7 that equals half of the tube lumen area. The
relation of orifice size to the negative pressure exerted on the
tube’s wall is an inverted Bell shape. At orifice diameter of 0.7 the
interstitial space is well circulated, hydrated and ventilated while
staying “dry” under optimum negative pressure not “wet” with
oedema of accumulated stagnant fluid that drown cells inducing
VOS and MVOD/F that occurs when CVP is elevated. The orifice
thus fundamentally affects both the hydrodynamic of G tube and
the capillary haemo-dynamics of systemic circulations. Too narrow
or too wide orifice induces hampering effect. This suggests that the
pre-capillary sphincter, rather than the replaceable heart, is indeed
the master of circulation.
Another thought-provoking point that may be considered
in managing shock in polytrama and may limit tendency for
overzealous infusions, is to wonder what is the maximum volume
of blood loss that a patient can bear should he reaches the hospital
alive? Most available evidence on animal and human studies
indicates that rapid loss of about half the circulatory volume is
incompatible with life. Thus, nothing will be gained if more than
such volume is given in resuscitating shocked patient. Should this
be considered as limiting factor for infusion quantity in shock
management? In most practices double or triple the circulatory
volume is rapidly infused into such patient and much larger volume
is required to raise CVP above 10 cm water. Even in the most difficult
circumstances of polytrauama in which bleeding into body cavities
or around broken large bones may continue, an attempt should be
made to stop that bleeding rather than persist on resuscitation by
elevating CVP and arterial pressures before wheeling the patient
for surgery. In current practice the opposite is employed. Many
patients die during this futile attempt before taken to theatres to
stop the bleeding, at which time the original insult causing shock of
polytrauma is blamed without a question. Is it, perhaps, a method of medico-legal defence because doctors who may try but fail to
rescue such patient’s life will risk their own if such patient died on
the operating table? The last 32 years of my career life were spent
in investigating and reporting these articles [5-9].
The articles recognise 2 new types of shocks and its treatment,
proves that Starling’s law for the capillary interstitial fluid transfer is
wrong and provides an alternative mechanism; the hydrodynamics
of a porous orifice (G) Tube. These discoveries resolve the puzzles
of 2 clinical syndromes discovering its patho-etiology and its new
successful treatments; namely the transurethral resection of the
prostate (TURP) syndrome and the acute respiratory distress
syndrome (ARDS). It also corrects many errors and misconceptions
on fluid therapy [5]. Volumetric Overload Shock (VOS) is a
condition induced by large fluid infusions in a short time and is of
two types; Type one (VOS1) and Type two (VOS2). VOS1 is induced
by sodium-free fluid gain of 3.5-5 litres in one hour such as Glycine,
Glucose, Mannitol and Sorbitol. It is seen in the TURP syndrome
[4] or hyponatraemic shock. VOS2 is induced by massive infusion
of sodium-based fluids such as normal saline, Ringer, Hartmann,
plasma, plasma substitutes and blood transfusions that may
complicate the therapy of VOS1. VOS2 also complicates fluid therapy
in critically ill patients suffering from other known shocks such as
hypovolaemic, haemorrhagic and septic shocks and presents with
ARDS. VOS2 is induced by the gain of 12-14 litres of sodium-based
fluids when reported in ARDS. The presence of massive interstitial
tissue oedema with engorgement of vital organs, pleural and
peritoneal effusions, in the presence of hypotension shock, casted
doubt on Starling’s law! These issues were investigated at the
clinical and physiological/physical fronts [3-9].